Blog Aims
The aims of motsprudentials blog is 7 fold;
- To promote the teaching ministry in the body of Christ.
- To inspire potential teachers and nurture their call, connect with developing ones and be inspired by mentors who are teachers of the word through networking.
- Expound deep insights and "dark sayings of the word of God" as put by Solomon (Proverbs 1:1-6).
- To share knowledge with revelation inspired by the mind of God.
- To establish and ground people of God into the principles of God.
- To share success stories about our faith in God.
- To mentor all those who have an inquisitive mind about the things of God.
Images and videos used in this blog are purely for illustration purposes. Any picture or video that infringes on copyright of the owner will immediately be removed from the blog.
motsprudentials blog is aimed at inspiring you to learn deeper things about the word of God and to maximise your calling. If you love revelation knowledge, searching the scriptures or your are a "what, why, how, when, where? -kind of a person, then, this blog is for you; apologetics know what I am talking about; an inquiring spirit and those with the spirit of excellence will find this blog to be a rich source of knowledge and learning.
The name motsprudentials was inspired by the fact that my daughter is called Prudence which is a derivative of wisdom if you look at it from greek etymology, phronesis -meaning wise judgement, intelligence, foresight,and thoughtfulness. Of course mots is my nick name. You have probably read my profile and noted that I am inclined to the world of Library and Information Management. This means that I am a research teacher and I collect information as hobby and manipulate it into meaningful ways, articulating it and customizing it for the purpose of proper application.
Ephesians 4:11 - 14 And he gave some, apostles; some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men,and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
The Five - Fold Ministry
Think of a hand, it has five distinct but complementary fingers.
*Apostles are the thumb, the thumb can touch all other fingers, apostles are said to be able to operate in all other ministry giftings, multitasking and multi-processing.
*Prophets are the index, they point at directions that the church has to take. They explicitly spells out the heart of God about a situation, offering solutions by revealing the mind of God.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
*Evangelists are the middle finger, longest and touching areas that are sometimes deemed inaccessible and impacting on nations through the gospel of Christ. Evangelist have a great passion for souls, they do missions in distant countries and deny themselves of all other comforts for the sake of the lost sheep.
*Pastors are represented by the ring finger, (believed through Greek mythology to have its nerves connected directly to the heart now we know that, this is not anatomically correct), they shepherd and heal the wounds of the church, grooming the church and nursing it to good health, peace and tranquility.
*Teachers are the little finger, so portable to reach inside spaces that are not easily accessible. Teachers expound the word and make "the word to be alive, basically making scriptures to jump from the Bible" as they expose secrets that are normally invisible to many.
Research, Exposition, Analysis, Customization and re-packaging of information is their God-given speciality. Attention to details and an obsession about ORDER describes the meticulous Teacher of the Word.
Up to this point, you can start to discern the focus for this blog, the conviction and calling of the author of this blog. The name says it all PRUDENTIALS (Greek - phronesis. Prudentials is derived from the word Prudence, which means; application of wisdom, insight, good judgement and intelligence).
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