"If there is a counterfeit, then there should be a genuine product". I liked this phrase the moment I heard it. As much as there are false teachers out there, there are also true Bible teachers who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring order to the body of Christ.
Teachers and the teaching ministry
The Greek word for a person who teaches is "didaskalos" which means, "one who teaches or to gives instruction". Didasko means, simply, "to teach".
The teaching ministry is a necessity in the body of Christ, to teach the principles of the word of God, restore order and management of the Church. There are a lot of issues that you can frown at in churches because the teaching ministry is not well grounded, not recognized or just ignored. Teachers are there to restrain wild behaviors in the way the ordinances of the church are administered. They crystallizes procedure and operation for the perfecting of the church. When this office is influenced by the prophetic, amazing things will happen in our churches. The two are not only very compatible but they do complement one another. Acts 13: 1 -3.
Let us look at some of the characteristics (Attributes) of a Bible Teacher;
"To the writing of books there is no end.."
Ecc. 12:12 .
- Finds greatest joy in learning
- Presents truth in a logical and systematic way
- Validates truth by out the facts
- Loves to study and do research on issues
- Enjoys word study
- Uses Biblical and other life illustrations
- Is intellectually sharp and apt to teach
- Is self disciplined and principled
- Is emotionally self - controlled
- Is more objective than subjective
- Gets upset when scripture is used out of context
- Has strong opinions and convictions based on investigation of facts
- Feels concerned that truth be established in every situation
- Motivated to study without being asked
- Has good self image and is confident
- Speaks easily and well, but also a good listener
- Good at analytic,critic, reasoning, summarization and application
Examples of Bible Teachers were;
- Apollos - Acts 18:24 - 28, 1 Cor 3:6
- Aquila and Priscilla - Acts 18:1 - 3, 24 -28, Rom 16:3 - 5
- Timothy - 1and 2 Timothy, Acts 16:1 - 3
- Barnabas (Son of encouragement) - Acts 13:1 - 3
A 21st Century Bible teacher must be technologically inclined. Apt to incorporate and use ICT as an enabler to teaching the body of Christ, to connect people with content and people with people. The use of PowerPoint and projection, laser pointers and appropriate knowledge and information aggregators like digital concordances, Bible dictionaries and Commentaries come in hand to enhance teaching. Connecting people with people through the use of networks like Facebook, twitter etc.
A vast sea of information of knowledge is available to a Bible Teacher in the super - highway of information, the network of networks (internet) has a potential to eliminate the digital divide often found in our churches and among Christians. A Bible Teacher customizes this information after careful evaluation and authenticity of its source, re-packaging it with proper illustrations and the influence of the spirit of God for ministration.
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