Monday, September 19, 2011


This week's blog has been inspired by Dr. John C. Maxwell, one of the greatest Bible Teachers I have ever come across. It focuses on the calling of God and specifically zooming in on the five - fold ministry, also known as the Ministry gifts or Office gifts. It is imperative to know and acknowledge that the calling of God upon our lives, comes in different ways. There is no one way in which God calls us into ministry. Maxwell, (2003) describes this as "The Life You were Meant to Live" explaining it as discovering your God - given Mission in life. Ephesians 4:1- walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called.

In his booklets, Million Leaders Mandate, Dr. Maxwell gives five Biblical Principles about our callings,;
  1. We all have been given a purpose for our lives
  2. We are most fulfilled when we are fulfilling our purpose
  3. Not everyone uncovers their God-given purpose
  4. Our purpose is built from our personal inward design
  5. We will be judged on our obedience to our God-given calling in life

Dr. Maxwell elucidates how God called leaders in scripture and identifies at least 4 ways that God revealed someone's purpose in life. He summarizes them as follows;

1. Thunder-bolt
This is when God reveals one's purpose in a moment or an event and it becomes instantly clear that one has been called or commissioned  by God. It can be described as a sudden transformation of someone from a relatively unknown and or an upside down kind of life to a more conspicuous, visible and commissioned lifestyle. The experience of Paul the apostle's conversion on his way to Damascus describes this kind of call. Acts 9:1-16. Some of you have probably experienced this kind of visitation by God that completely transformed your lives.

2. The Call from Birth

In this way, according to Dr. Maxwell, God reveals your purpose early in life such that you always remember being called. An example is that of Jeremiah. God said about him, "Before I formed you..., I knew you..., I sanctified you and ordained you as a prophet unto the nations (Jeremiah 1: 5). Some of you have been received the call of God from as early as you remember.

3. A Growing Awareness
God reveals your purpose in a general sense. As you move towards it , He provides the details. I have tried to illustrate this point using the image above. As you move into a city at night, what you see is a flood or a galaxy of city lights. You are unable to distinguish one light from another, or perhaps where each light originates, whether its a street light or a light from a specific building. As you move closer to the lights, you start to get clarity and details about where each sparkling light comes from.
In this sense, the more you move towards doing what you are convicted to be your calling, the more you become crystal clear of who you are and what you are supposed to do.A typical example is that of Joseph in Genesis 39:1-23.

4. Walking through open doors

God reveals your purpose over many years, step by step, as you capitalize on opportunities. A relevant example is that of Esther. The book of Esther outlines the story of an orphaned girl named Esther. She was not only an orphan, but also a slave and an immigrant. Esther found herself selected to go through a rigorous process of the search for the Queen after the demotion of queen Vashti.

Esther was the most favorable of all the competitors and became the first non Medo-Persian Queen. Esther through the proper mentoring of her cousin Mordecai, capitalized on opportunities that came her way up to the top. She walked through open doors. Someone once explained this concept by giving an example of modern automatic doors popularly found in Kiosks and airports. as you move towards the doors it senses your approach and automatically opens for you without having to touch it.

Opportunities come your way and as the Psalmist puts it, "goodness and mercy follows you". Opportunities come through different ways, like education, connections/networks you may have, promotions, business deals and sometimes through awkward means where you feel that you are going through a trying moment of your life. It is for the purpose of you preparation.

These experiences are the key to unlocking your destination in life.
When doors start to open for you, its like you become visible and you seem to "stand out" in a crowd. You appear to have been ear-marked for success, progression, promotion and acceleration. It is this opportunities that catapult you to your destination such that what others achieved in many years, you only achieve in a few months, achieving more with less effort.

Maxwell J. C, 2003, Million Leader Mandate - Notebook Four, Equip.

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