Friday, December 9, 2011



Blog Aims

The aims of motsprudentials blog is 7 fold;
  • To promote the teaching ministry in the body of Christ.
  • To inspire potential teachers and nurture their call, connect with developing ones and be inspired by mentors who are teachers of the word through networking.
  • Expound deep insights and "dark sayings of the word of God" as put by Solomon (Proverbs 1:1-6). 
  • To share knowledge with revelation inspired by the mind of God.
  • To establish and ground people of God into the principles of God.
  • To share success stories about our faith in God.
  • To mentor all those who have an inquisitive mind about the things of God.
Images and videos used in this blog are purely for illustration purposes. Any picture or video that infringes on copyright of the owner will  immediately be removed from the blog.

Welcome Note

Welcome to my blog, motsprudentialsI am Motswaiso Motswaiso and I am a Bible Teacher by calling. I am very passionate about the teaching ministry and its impact on the development of the body of Christ. I am also very enthusiastic with the use of technology in promoting the Kingdom of God. I am excited that, now I have an opportunity to combine the two to share with you spiritual insights about the teachings you have always wanted to know in a much personalized cyber space like a blog. I have tried other social networks like facebook to publish my thoughts and to network with people of like mind. I found those platforms to be a bit unfriendly to stay focused on the mandate as they were too social hence the discussions were not easy to monitor without being casual.

motsprudentials blog is aimed at inspiring you to learn deeper things about the word of God and to maximise your calling. If you love revelation knowledge, searching the scriptures or your are a "what, why, how, when, where? -kind of a person, then, this blog is for you; apologetics know what I am talking about; an inquiring spirit and those with the spirit of excellence will find this blog to be a rich source of knowledge and learning.

The name motsprudentials was inspired by the fact that my daughter is called Prudence which is a derivative of wisdom if you look at it from greek etymology, phronesis -meaning wise judgement, intelligence, foresight,and thoughtfulness. Of course mots is my nick name. You have probably read my profile and noted that I am inclined to the world of Library and Information Management. This means that I am a research teacher and I collect information as hobby and manipulate it into meaningful ways, articulating it and customizing it for the purpose of proper application.

A gentle Introduction to spice you up

Ephesians 4:11 - 14  And he gave some, apostles; some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 
Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men,and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive. 
The Five - Fold Ministry
(A Brief.)

Think of a hand, it has five distinct but complementary fingers.
*Apostles are the thumb, the thumb can touch all other fingers, apostles are said to be able to operate in all other ministry giftings, multitasking and multi-processing.

*Prophets are the index, they point at directions that the church has to take. They explicitly spells out the heart of God  about a situation, offering solutions by revealing the mind of God.  
Amos 3:7  Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto  his servants the prophets. 

*Evangelists are the middle finger, longest and touching areas that are sometimes deemed inaccessible and impacting on nations through the gospel of Christ. Evangelist have a great passion for souls, they do missions in distant countries and deny themselves of all other comforts for the sake of the lost sheep.

*Pastors are represented by the ring finger, (believed through Greek mythology to have its nerves connected directly to the heart now we know that, this is not anatomically correct), they shepherd and heal the wounds of the church, grooming the church and nursing it to good health, peace and tranquility.

*Teachers are the little finger, so portable to reach inside spaces that are not easily accessible. Teachers expound the word and make "the word to be alive, basically making scriptures to jump from the Bible" as they expose secrets that are normally invisible to many.

Research, Exposition, Analysis, Customization and re-packaging of information is their God-given speciality. Attention to details and an obsession about ORDER describes the  meticulous Teacher of the Word. 

Up to this point, you can start to discern the focus for this blog, the conviction and calling of the author of this blog. The name says it all PRUDENTIALS (Greek - phronesis. Prudentials is derived from the word Prudence, which means; application of wisdom, insight, good judgement and intelligence).

    Wednesday, October 26, 2011


    I have been inspire by the video clip below from the moment I first saw it. It says it all. God does exist and there is no doubt about. This post is summarized by the video attached. Enjoy it. 

    Psalm 14:1......the fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that does good. 

    Thursday, October 20, 2011


    Genesis 1:2 …….and now the earth was void and without form and darkness was upon the surface of the deep and the spirit of the Lord moved over the surface of the deep…. And God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light.

     The spirit of the Lord brings order over to chaotic situations of our lives. When the spirit of God moves, the void and the darkness, disorder and emptiness that engulf our lives disappears and pave way for rivers of living waters to gush over our soul.
    When the systems of this world fail and collapse around us our trust should be in the enduring power of the spirit of God to uplift and energize us, show us direction and strategies suitable for the moment.

    As churches, when morale is low among brethren and faith seems difficult to exercise, when the routines seem to set-in and the voice of the Lord seem distant and the promises of God seem unlikely, it is the work of the spirit to bring a breakthrough into our spirit.
    1Kings 19:9-12 talks of Elijah desperate to hear God and he searched everywhere trusting that God will speak in a very familiar manner, a manner he was used to, a manner that medieval prophets “knew” God spoke and had always spoken through;

    ...but God was not in the wind

    *Earthquake, but God was not in the earthquake

    *Finally, God spoke through a “small still voice”. 

    Elijah was used to the fire from heaven, the kind that came from heaven and leaked the altar and the sacrifices before the prophets of Baal.

    ...but God was not in the fire

    A small still voice is what we need and that’s the move of the spirit in our lives and our churches.

    When the spirit moves;

    1. The focus is God and not programs, leaders and methods.

    Mathew 15:6 states that we make the word of God of no effect because of our traditions. When churches become methodical, the word of God does not become alive in our churches. Jesus said, “It is the spirit that quickens....., the words that I speak are life and spirit, John 6:33.

    2. Walls of rigidity are broken down

    John 4:9-10 reveals that the Samaritan woman had an attitude against the Jews, saying to Jesus that the two do not mix and do not see eye to eye. Little did she know that she was talking to the giver of life himself. Her rigidity nearly caused her to miss the saving power of Christ. Walls of rigidity need to be broken down in our lives if the spirit of God has to take over.

    3. Leaders get new directions, strategies, they are playable and fluid.

    When the Apostles prayed in Antioch, Prophets and Teachers, like Barnabas and Simeon, the Holy Ghost said  “separate unto me Barnabas and Saul for the work I have……. Acts 13:2

    4. People respond to the move and the call of God

    Acts 2:14-18 Shows Peter, who once denied the Lord, who was  sometimes acting out of impulse, now taking leadership to set the record straight, that the 120 in the upper room were not drunk as people supposed but were endowed with the power of the most high as promised by the Lord Jesus Christ before he ascended to heaven. Peter responded to the move of the Holy Spirit to counteract opposition and negativity from onlookers. 
    The young Samuel responded to the call of God by saying "hear I am lord..." 1 Samuel 10:6-12
    5 Struggles cease and pave way for spiritual excitement

    Psalm 127:1-2 explicitly states that, except the Lord builds a house, they labour in vain that build it and unless the Lord keeps the city, the watchmen wakes in vain. It further says that it is vain to wake up early in the morning and sit up late and eat the bread of sorrows, for so he gives his loved ones sleep.
    Peter in Luke 4:4-8 was told by the Lord Jesus to launch into the deep. He and his friends had toil all night and did not catch a single fish "nor a tadpole". But because the Lord instructed him to cast his nets to the deep for a draught, he did and they caught so much fish that their boats began to sank and they beckoned their friends in the other boats to come and share on the spoils of fish. 
    Only when we allow the spirit to take over, then we have no choice but to toil and catch nothing, eat the bread of sorrows, wake up early and sit up late with little results to show for our effort, time, energies and finances.

    6. We focus on our mandate

    Have heard the saying "jack of all trades, master of none"?
    When we are influenced by the Holy Spirit, we connect with ourselves and unleash our potentials in a more focus manner. 

    The reason why a magnifying class is able to cause fire when focused at a point on the grass or paper is because of the power of focus.
    When you focus on your God-given mandate, you become efficient in what you do. Some people are effective but not efficient. They can do all things but everything only up to 60%, but an efficient person does one thing and does it up to 95%. 
    I have always illustrated this point using a machine gun which discharges hundreds of bullets only for a kill of less than 25 perhaps and a sniper rifle that discharges one bullet for one kill. If there are 500 targets a sniper rifle will use a bullet for each. It was built for precision. 

    Luke 4:14-18 illustrates the mandate of Jesus. What are you anointed for? Try speaking out your mandate using the pattern of the scriptures above.

    My mandate would go something like this;

    "the spirit of the Lord is upon me, for He has anointed me to teach the word of God. 

    To expound the scriptures and ground people on the principles of the word, establish their faith so that they are rooted in the foundations of the word of God and to teach the word of God with simplicity and clarity and revelation. 

    To exhort, edify and encourage his people by laying precept upon precept, brick upon brick so that the house of God is built and founded on the rock, who is Christ.

    To unlock that which was locked in the life of the believer through the prophetic teachings that unveils the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is my mandate and I excel in doing it more than in doing any other thing".

    7. More is achieved with less

    When the spirit moves, we achieve great results with less effort, less time, less energies and less resources.
    Let's go back to the words of Peter when he said; "master we have toiled all night long and have not caught anything, but at your word, I will cast my net to the other side.

    Unless he builds a house our labour is just in vain. Judges 15:14-17 shows Samson who killed a thousand philistines only with a jawbone of an donkey, heap upon heap he killed them.

    8. We concentrate on building our most holy faith

    This is emphasized by Jude 1:20 -21

    9. An atmosphere of the prophetic saturates our services

    Revelation 19:10.. the spirit of Christ is the spirit of prophecy
    Amos 3:28-29 talks of the outpouring of the spirit of God in the last days.

    10. There is liberty

    2 Corinthians 3:17 states that where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty (freedom).

    Friday, September 30, 2011


    1. You were called when you were born and not when you were born-again. 

    I loved this little picture the moment I saw it. When you were born, God hard-wired your purpose for living within you. This is in agreement with the book of Jeremiah 1:5...before you were formed.... I knew you and ordained you as a prophet...
    The seed of your calling is embedded within you. Most people who are outstanding in life, popular musicians, actors, writers, visionaries and priests and prophets are just expressing the call/gift of God imprinted in them. False teachers are expressing their call of teaching. It is only that they do it the wrong way.

    2. You and I are the seed (sperm) that swam faster
    The winning sperm.

    You were victorious even before you were born. You were a competitor and you out-paced everybody else. You have been a winner before conception. 
    One time a man of God, Pastor Yao from CIC was ministering in a prayer seminar and he mentioned one of the most liberating statement. He said you and I are the seed (sperm) that swam faster than the million others to reach the egg (ovum) first and fertilized it. Consequently, he further said the egg then released a chemical substance that repelled all other "guys" (sperms) from even coming near it, sealing you victory and championship. All other sperms were then absorbed by the walls of the uterus rendering them inactive for reproduction purposes.
    When concluding this concept, Pastor Yao, asked mind-boggling questions and said;
    *what would have happened if you and I were among the other million sperms that failed to swim faster to reach the egg? 
    *would we be existent?

    Now think about it. The answers are that we would be non-existent, invisible and to rightly put it, "extinct".
    Do you now see that it was the plan of God for you to be alive, to exist? So, live you life as a victorious being, as a winner. Winning is embedded in your genetic make-up. No matter your background, educational qualification, financial status or appearance, you are a winner. You posses the source code to a victorious life.

    3. There is a star in you.

    Everybody has a star. When Jesus was born, his star was seen in the east. Mathew 2:2.
    You are supposed to let the star in you shine so bright so as the world will see it. 

    You are not just an ordinary person, but unique in the way you were created. Express your purpose for living and refuse adversities to drag you down. You were always in the mind of God at creation. 

    4. The case of Esther in the Bible

    Esther did not let her situation to discourage her. Esther let her star to shine. The name Esther means STAR.
    In the book of Esther 2:5 we read about the story of young lady called Hadassah (Esther). 
    There are some discouraging facts about the background of Esther as follows;
    *Esther was an orphan  - She had no mother and father. This goes without saying that, she had not experience the full love of parents.
    *She was adopted by her cousin, Mordecai
    *She was a slave girl - slave do not enjoy the full rights of their own and her self esteem was nurture to develop well.
    *She was an immigrant in another country - her rights were limited and did not have any citizenship rights
    *She had limited choices - Mordecai carried her with him, she had no option to remain when they were taken into captive by the Babylonians and later by the Persians.

    You may be thinking that you cannot rise up above your situation but the life of Esther should inspire you this day. She rose to become queen of Medo-Persia after the demotion of queen Vashti.

    Have Mentors in your life

    Esther's star shone because she had a life-mentor, Mordecai. Everyone needs a mentor in life. This is a person who believes in you, motivates you and speaks words of encouragement to you. They cheer you to run even faster. These could be spiritual leaders, academic mentors and professional leaders.

    Esther was motivated by Mordecai to be the best she could. In life, there are people specifically sent to inspire, motivate and propel you to you destination. These are people who believe in you, who see victory in you. They are a beckon of light to you, they lead you to your elevation by directing and warning you of pitfalls on the way.

    When I was studying for my undergraduate degree at the University of Botswana, there was a woman of God by the name of Dr. A. Totolo. She was my lecturer in most of the courses I took. She so much believed in me to get a first class in such a way that scared me. The fear of disappointing her faith in my potential to do much more exceedingly pushed me beyond any university student's limit.
    By then I had a lot of responsibilities, I was a husband and a father (I still am), a church elder, student and also doing some part time job as a research assistant on campus.
    During the day, I attended lessons and carried out assignments, slept around 7pm after dinner, woke up around 11pm and studied all night through up to 5am. This became my daily routine until I finished my studies. 

    When I went to get my results transcript, I still did not have enough faith that I could land a first class. When I got my transcript, I found that I obtained a first class grade with an outstanding GPA (Grade Average Point) of 4.5.

    Dr. Totolo's encouragement had paid off and I am forever thankful for her inspiration and academic mentoring in my life. She gave me courage to overcome academic obstacles and focus on achieving academic excellence. She caused my star to shine.
    *Who is your mentor in life?
    *Is your star shinning bright enough?
    *Have you lost the courage you need to continue?
    *Do you want to live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment?

    Then, connect with Jesus today and he will give you a fresh start. He will unveil your purpose for living and give you hope. You have always been a star, only that you did not know it. Now you know it.

    Monday, September 19, 2011


    This week's blog has been inspired by Dr. John C. Maxwell, one of the greatest Bible Teachers I have ever come across. It focuses on the calling of God and specifically zooming in on the five - fold ministry, also known as the Ministry gifts or Office gifts. It is imperative to know and acknowledge that the calling of God upon our lives, comes in different ways. There is no one way in which God calls us into ministry. Maxwell, (2003) describes this as "The Life You were Meant to Live" explaining it as discovering your God - given Mission in life. Ephesians 4:1- walk worthy of the calling with which you have been called.

    In his booklets, Million Leaders Mandate, Dr. Maxwell gives five Biblical Principles about our callings,;
    1. We all have been given a purpose for our lives
    2. We are most fulfilled when we are fulfilling our purpose
    3. Not everyone uncovers their God-given purpose
    4. Our purpose is built from our personal inward design
    5. We will be judged on our obedience to our God-given calling in life

    Dr. Maxwell elucidates how God called leaders in scripture and identifies at least 4 ways that God revealed someone's purpose in life. He summarizes them as follows;

    1. Thunder-bolt
    This is when God reveals one's purpose in a moment or an event and it becomes instantly clear that one has been called or commissioned  by God. It can be described as a sudden transformation of someone from a relatively unknown and or an upside down kind of life to a more conspicuous, visible and commissioned lifestyle. The experience of Paul the apostle's conversion on his way to Damascus describes this kind of call. Acts 9:1-16. Some of you have probably experienced this kind of visitation by God that completely transformed your lives.

    2. The Call from Birth

    In this way, according to Dr. Maxwell, God reveals your purpose early in life such that you always remember being called. An example is that of Jeremiah. God said about him, "Before I formed you..., I knew you..., I sanctified you and ordained you as a prophet unto the nations (Jeremiah 1: 5). Some of you have been received the call of God from as early as you remember.

    3. A Growing Awareness
    God reveals your purpose in a general sense. As you move towards it , He provides the details. I have tried to illustrate this point using the image above. As you move into a city at night, what you see is a flood or a galaxy of city lights. You are unable to distinguish one light from another, or perhaps where each light originates, whether its a street light or a light from a specific building. As you move closer to the lights, you start to get clarity and details about where each sparkling light comes from.
    In this sense, the more you move towards doing what you are convicted to be your calling, the more you become crystal clear of who you are and what you are supposed to do.A typical example is that of Joseph in Genesis 39:1-23.

    4. Walking through open doors

    God reveals your purpose over many years, step by step, as you capitalize on opportunities. A relevant example is that of Esther. The book of Esther outlines the story of an orphaned girl named Esther. She was not only an orphan, but also a slave and an immigrant. Esther found herself selected to go through a rigorous process of the search for the Queen after the demotion of queen Vashti.

    Esther was the most favorable of all the competitors and became the first non Medo-Persian Queen. Esther through the proper mentoring of her cousin Mordecai, capitalized on opportunities that came her way up to the top. She walked through open doors. Someone once explained this concept by giving an example of modern automatic doors popularly found in Kiosks and airports. as you move towards the doors it senses your approach and automatically opens for you without having to touch it.

    Opportunities come your way and as the Psalmist puts it, "goodness and mercy follows you". Opportunities come through different ways, like education, connections/networks you may have, promotions, business deals and sometimes through awkward means where you feel that you are going through a trying moment of your life. It is for the purpose of you preparation.

    These experiences are the key to unlocking your destination in life.
    When doors start to open for you, its like you become visible and you seem to "stand out" in a crowd. You appear to have been ear-marked for success, progression, promotion and acceleration. It is this opportunities that catapult you to your destination such that what others achieved in many years, you only achieve in a few months, achieving more with less effort.

    Maxwell J. C, 2003, Million Leader Mandate - Notebook Four, Equip.

    Thursday, September 8, 2011


    "If there is a counterfeit, then there should be a genuine product". I liked this phrase the moment I heard it. As much as there are false teachers out there, there are also true Bible teachers who are inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring order to the body of Christ.

    Teachers and the teaching ministry

    The Greek word for a person who teaches is "didaskalos" which means, "one who teaches or to gives instruction". Didasko means, simply, "to teach".

    The teaching ministry is a necessity in the body of Christ, to teach the principles of the word of God, restore order and management of the Church. There are a lot of issues that you can frown at in churches because the teaching ministry is not well grounded, not recognized or just ignored. Teachers are there to restrain wild behaviors in the way the ordinances of the church are administered. They crystallizes procedure and operation for the perfecting of the church. When this office is influenced by the prophetic, amazing things will happen in our churches. The two are not only very compatible but they do complement one another. Acts 13: 1 -3.

    Let us look at some of the characteristics (Attributes) of a Bible Teacher;

    "To the writing of books there is no end.."
    Ecc. 12:12 .

    1. Finds greatest joy in learning
    2. Presents truth in a logical and systematic way
    3. Validates truth by out the facts
    4. Loves to study and do research on issues
    5. Enjoys word study
    6. Uses Biblical and other life illustrations
    7. Is intellectually sharp and apt to teach
    8. Is self disciplined and principled
    9. Is emotionally self - controlled
    10. Is more objective than subjective
    11.  Gets upset when scripture is used out of context
    12. Has strong opinions and convictions based on investigation of facts
    13. Feels concerned that truth be established in every situation
    14. Motivated to study without being asked
    15. Has good self image and is confident 
    16. Speaks easily and well, but also a good listener
    17. Good at analytic,critic, reasoning, summarization and application
    Examples of Bible Teachers were;
    • Apollos  - Acts 18:24 - 28, 1 Cor 3:6
    • Aquila and Priscilla - Acts 18:1 - 3, 24 -28, Rom 16:3 - 5
    • Timothy  - 1and 2 Timothy, Acts 16:1 - 3
    • Barnabas (Son of encouragement)  - Acts 13:1 - 3

    A 21st Century Bible teacher must be technologically inclined. Apt to incorporate and use ICT as an enabler to teaching the body of Christ, to connect people with content and people with people. The use of PowerPoint and projection, laser pointers and appropriate knowledge and information aggregators like digital concordances, Bible dictionaries and Commentaries come in hand to enhance teaching. Connecting people with people through the use of networks like Facebook, twitter etc.  
    A vast sea of information of knowledge is available to a Bible Teacher in the super - highway of information, the network of networks (internet) has a potential to eliminate the digital divide often found in our     churches and among Christians. A Bible Teacher customizes this information after careful evaluation and authenticity of its source, re-packaging it with proper illustrations and the influence of the spirit of God for ministration.